Auto Security & Monitoring Inc. (ASM ) was founded in 2005.
The company’s headquarter is in El Monte, California, United states of America.
ASM is specializing in developing the GPS applications and wireless telecommunication
With own technical professionals, marketing force, ASM has integrated product research,
design center and production base for long term business.
One of the main products - Vehicle tracking and Monitoring System (VTMS) is to manage
and monitor client’s vehicle fleet in more efficient way and to prevent vehicles
being stolen.
- The VTMS is deigned and developed by ASM and the company owns the whole technology.
- The VTMS for commercial vehicles have been in the market for three years with substantial
numbers of customers.
- The VTMS for private vehicles have been in operation for more than one year and
the number of costumers is increasing.
The company also provides various GPS applications and wireless transmission solutions
for governments and enterprises.